Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Change

Every day during the past week or so since my last post has been essentially the same: wake up, breakfast, work, gym, study, eat, sleep. Today there was finally a change, although not necessarily for the better. For the last couple of days, one of the people who I work with has been sick, but still coming to work. A day or so ago, I started having a sore throat, which I just put down as being in a dry dusty climate. But last night I started getting a little more than just a sore throat. I went to the flight doc this morning, and was put on DNIF (duties not to include flying) status. Even though I am not technically "flying," if anything were to happen to a plane that I am controlling, even if it wasn't my fault, the investigation board would conclude that because I was sick, I was causaul to whatever happened. So, since I had a fever of 100+ and felt like crap, I decided it would be best to not work today. I felt bad that the other people in my squadron had to cover for me, but in the end, it is probably better this way. I spent the day in bed only getting up to eat, go to the bathroom, and come here to the cyber cafe for 20 minutes. Hopefully I wiil feel better tomorrow.

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