Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Little Things

I was reminded of the story of the guy who lived in a small house who complained that it was too crowded. The town elder suggested he move all his farm animals into the house with him. When the man complained that now it was even more crowded, the town elder said, "OK, now take out all the animals," and miraculously the house didn't seem as crowded anymore.

The showers here kinda suck. They are small and cramped and gross, and they use shower curtains which continually blow in towards the shower stall whenever someone opens the door to the shower room. I always feel like I am being molested by a nasty mildewey piece of plastic. I couldn't see it getting much worse. Then the hot water went out. For a week. When it finally came back a couple days ago, it was the best shower I've ever had in my life.

It's the little things that make life enjoyable.

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