Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Busy Day

Today was the first day of the transition to the new flying schedule and it was crazy busy. No sooner had one event finished, that we went to the next one right away. A few maintenance issues were primarily responsible, so hopefully that will not be the norm. Plus, we didn't get a chance to eat anything until lunch time, so we were all cranky and hungry. So tomorrow, we are shifting everyone's schedule later by one hour to let us get to the DFAC (dining facility) when it is open.

After work I went to volunteer at the hospital. I came just in time to help some of the techs work on a little 3-year-old local girl. She had severe burns on about 30% of her body. Apparently it happened when she reached for a pot of boiling water on the stove and it tipped onto her. Thankfully, none got on her face. She is very cute. The hospital here is the biggest (and best) in all of Iraq, so they were able to help her. I tried to communicate with her aunt who was sitting by her side, but it was pretty much impossible. But I think she got the general idea that I was there to help. It is examples like this, though, that help to show the Iraqi people that we are here to help. Who knows how she would have been treated if this hospital were not here?

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