Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Settling In

Aside from only working on two hours of sleep due to a late notice show time at the passenger terminal, the trip to Balad was relatively uneventful. When we got there, though, I was definitely aware that we were in a combat zone. They brought us off the airplane and brought us into a room where they showed us a video. That video described procedures for taking cover in the event of a base attack. From there I was picked up by someone from my squadron and started doing the standard inprocessing stuff: getting a room, checking in with the squadron, getting a local area briefing. Additionally, we were briefed on the rules of engagement and special instructions (SPINS) for Iraq (althoough I already knew them from having operated aircraft in theater). Then for the next day or so I did the remainder of my inprocessing stuff.

Balad is similar to Qatar in that it has many of the same things: gym, movie theater, chow halls, crates of water bottles etc. But it is also distinctly different. In Qatar, we stayed in tents, walked around pretty freely, and other than being in the desert, I did not feel like I was in a combat zone. Here, I definitely do. There are concrete barriers everywhere designed to protect people and buildings in case of a base attack. Also, just about everyone here walked around with a gun of some sort. I have my M-9 (9mm pistol) that I will carry as soon as my squadron here can find a holster for me. There are always planes and helicopters taking off and landing at all hours of the day and night.

Tonight I start my actual local area training. From what I have seen thus far, it is pretty relaxed in my squadron: you do what you need to do in order to take off on time. Late takeoffs are a big deal because the delay will ripple throughout the rest of the schedule. Other than that, though, I am staying pretty busy. My DVD's for my masters class have started arriving here, I already finished the first of 5 recreational books I brought with me, and I even brought my GPS to do some geocaching if I get the chance (yes there are a ton here on base!).

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