Monday, October 27, 2008

Mud on the Ground

Well, no sooner than the day after I wrote the last post, did a huge storm come in. It rained non-stop for over a day. And as advertised, the water piled up. It was (and still is, several days after the fact) gross. The water was almost a foot deep in some places. And since many of the pathways are dirt, it quickly became mud. The base implemented "Mudcon" procedures to try to keep some common areas somewhat clean. To go to the gym, for example, you have to bring an extra set of shoes to change in to once you get there. And if you are driving a car onto the flight line (which we have to do to get to our squadron) you have to pressure wash your tires to get all the mud off. Getting to the bathroom or showers is now an obstacle course, with the consequences of a wrong step being ankle deep mud. Fun times, as you can tell.

The good news was that for a few days while this was going on, we were not flying. So I studied for my math class, read some of the book I am on, and watched some movies. Today the weather was great so we got back to work.

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